Figabara GeoThermal

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal is derived from the Greek words geo (earth) and thermal (heat). Because heat is constantly produced inside the earth, geothermal energy is a renewable energy source. It’s simply electricity generated by the Earth’s interior heat. Geothermal heat is used for bathing, heating houses, and generating energy The rock and

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Distributed Energy Resources

The rapid spread of distributed energy resources (DERs) has been one of the most important improvements to electrical systems around the world. Electricity-producing resources or controllable loads connected to a local distribution system or a host facility within the local distribution system are referred to as DERs. Solar panels, CHP

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Bio Energy

Bioenergy is one of several different options that can help us satisfy our energy needs. It’s a type of renewable energy obtained from recently living organic elements called biomass, and it may be used to make transportation fuels, heat, electricity, and products. How is electricity produced by bioenergy? Biopower systems

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