Press Welded Flexible Copper Shunts

This type of flexible connectors are made of several copper sheets overlapping each other.

The contact resistivity in between each folio is almost zero as the contact areas are produced without using any weld filling material.

Press welded flexible copper shunts are very high electrical conductive materials due to their excellent molecular bonds. They are also ideal for coupling in areas subject to vibration and do not fracture such as rigid bars.

The welded connection ends can be drilled, cut and/or milled.

These connectors have to be used in indoor applications particularly.

Application Areas of Press Welded Flexible Copper Shunts ;

  • Expansion joint between busbars ,

  • Expansion joint between collecting bars and transformers, respectively generators and rectifiers

  • Expansion joint between engine and machine parts

  • Moving expansion joint in welding machines

  • Expansion joint in switchgears

Technical Features;

Raw Materials of Press Welded Flexible Copper Shunts:

Cu ETP, SE-Cu or Cu-OF folios acc. to EN 1652 Thickness of Copper Sheets: 0 .05 mm – 0.50mm

Coating of Contact Areas:

Can be silver, tin or nickel plated upon specific thickness request


Can be isolated with heat shrinkable tubes